Turnaround and Restructuring
Milestone’s consultants advise on issues relating to infrastructure assets and project companies in underperforming and distressed situations. We can help strategize and manage assignments on restructurings of all sizes and levels of complexity.
Our advisors have served lenders, public authorities, debtors, trustees, developers and investors on numerous restructurings and distressed M&A transactions involving a wide range of infrastructure asset classes, including:
– toll roads (for example, Pocahontas Parkway);
– alternative energy (for example, Renova Energy);
– oil & gas (for example, ATP Oil & Gas);
– aerospace (for example, Emivest Aerospace, Aerodynamics Inc.);
– leisure and hospitality (for example, Greek Peak Resort);
– healthcare (several hospitals, nursing homes and treatment centers);
Our advisors’ experience also includes advising on several of the largest restructurings of their kind, such as the Farmland Industries bankruptcy (advising the purchaser of Farmland’s distressed pipeline, petroleum and fertilizer plant assets), the City of Detroit Bankruptcy (advising a bondholder Trustee) and Euramax International’s out of court restructuring (advising the second lien agent).
We have a track record of bringing parties together in negotiations and getting turnarounds completed outside of a bankruptcy process. Milestone brings to bear its restructuring experience for clients by:
– analyzing operations, properties, financial conditions and long term business plans;
– helping the development of optimal strategies for accomplishing a turnaround or restructuring;
– negotiation with various stakeholders and advisors;
– assisting in the securing of DIP financing, exit financing and other fundings; and
– assisting in executing transactions in out-of-court or in-court restructurings.